It's hard to believe you are 2! You have brought us a lot of joy over the past 2 years. You are a very happy boy. You giggle a lot and I think may have a little of your daddy's goofiness in you. You like to be outside and run. We don't see you sitting down too much, which is good most of the time, but can be exhausting. You are a very determined little fellow which can lead to a little frustration as there are many things you are just not quite big enough for yet. I hope your determination will continue on though as I think it will pay off in the long run. Eating has been a little challenging with you as you still like to eat baby food. You at least eat crackers and peanut butter sandwiches which you can bring to school. You love milk and we do have to limit you some on that as I think you would have that as your sole nourishment if you had it your way. Cars, trucks and construction equipment are some of your favorite things. You also like animals. We are excited to see what the next year brings.
A picture of you on February 21.

We had your birthday on Sunday, February 22. We decided to just have a family birthday party.

Mommy made your cake from scratch. Another year and still you did not try your birthday cake. Sigh.

The brothers.
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