The days that Tad is not is school we always try to go somewhere. Some days it is just the grocery store, but we have a membership to the McWane Center which is a science museum for kids. Last week we went with our friend Sarah and her daughter Julia. Tad and Julia loved looking at the train exhibit.

They have an area that is called "Just Mice Size" that is all fenced in and is only for children in kindergarten and under. The have a water table for the kids to play in, with toys and a little waterfall.

On Monday we went back to the McWane Center with Tad's friend Anna and her mom Sarah. Tad didn't have school this week for Thanksgiving break. She introduced Tad to the sand table. He played for awhile but does not concentrate on one activity for long periods of time.

Thank goodness for this double stroller that our friends bought when we had Liam. It is huge, but it has been a lifesaver!!